1. Privacy

All orders through JUST MEL - The Collective, imply the explicit permission of the Buyer to allow the processing and use of his/her personal information for such purposes as administration of a customer database, the management of orders, deliveries and invoices, solvency checks, marketing and advertising. The processing of such information for marketing purposes and individual advertising will only take place upon the Buyer's explicit declaration of agreement during the ordering process. Artisan Traders will not be permitted to transfer this information to third parties. The Buyer has the right to view and correct all information. The Buyer also has the right at all times to oppose the processing of his/her personal information for direct marketing purposes and this without personal cost. 

2. Proof

All Parties accept the validity of electronic proof in the framework of their relations (e.g. e-mail, backups, etc.).

3. Severability

If any article of these terms and conditions is declared null and void, this invalidity shall not affect the validity of the remaining articles.

4. Jurisdiction

Disputes are to be solved in mutual consultation wherever possible. Agreements concluded with the Seller are subject to South African law. All disputes are the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Cape Town, Westen Cape, South Africa.